Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis
BPASS Results
BPASS results: outlining the predictions from BPASS and the importance of interacting binaries on stellar populations are outlined in:
Version 2:
- Eldridge, Stanway & Tang, 2018, MNRAS in press A consistent estimate for Gravitational Wave and Electromagnetic transient rates [Data here]
- Xiao, Galbany, Eldridge & Stanway, 2018, MNRAS in press Core-collapse supernovae ages and metallicities from emission-line diagnostics of nearby stellar populations
- Bray & Eldridge, 2018, MNRAS, 480, 5657 Neutron star kicks - II. Revision and further testing of the conservation of momentum `kick' model
- Xiao, Stanway & Eldridge, 2018, MNRAS, 477,904 Emission-line diagnostics of nearby H II regions including interacting binary populations
- Greis et al, 2017, MNRAS, 470, 489. Radio observations confirm young stellar populations in local analogues to z~5 Lyman break galaxies
- Moriya & Eldridge, 2016, MNRAS, 461, 2155. Rapidly evolving faint transients from stripped-envelope electron-capture supernovae
- Bray & Eldridge, 2016, MNRAS 461, 3747. Neutron Star Kicks and their Relationship to Supernovae Ejecta Mass
- Eldridge & Maund, 2016, MNRAS, 461L, 117. The disappearance of the helium-giant progenitors of the type Ib supernova iPTF13bvn and constraints on its companion.
- Wofford, Charlot, Bruzual, Eldridge, Calzetti et al., MNRAS 457, 4296. A Comphrehensive Comparitive test of seven widely-used spectral synthesis models against multi-band photometry of young massive clusers.
Version 1:
- Xiao & Eldridge, 2015, MNRAS, 452, 2597. Core-collapse supernova rate synthesis within 11 Mpc
- Stanway et al, 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3466. Interpreting high [O III]/H β ratios with maturing starbursts
- Eldridge, 2012, MNRAS, 422, 794. Stochasticity, a variable stellar upper-mass limit, binaries and star-formation rate indicators.
- Eldridge & Relaño, 2011, MNRAS, 411, 235. The red supergiants and Wolf-Rayet stars of NGC 604.
- Eldridge, 2009, MNRAS, 400, 20. A new-age determination for γ2 Velorum from binary stellar evolution models.
This site also hosts other results from the Auckland Stars Group that are not included in BPASS. These can be found under the Other Results page. To date these numbers can be found at:
- McClelland & Eldridge (2016), MNRAS, 459, 1505.